Today was our post op visit. (Yes, post operation. To which operation? Cause we've all lost track? It doesn't matter.)
We were able to rid ourselves of the oxygen tanks today. Which is a huge relief to all of us, and give Jack a better sense of freedom. Not to mention our freedom as well. In addition to that, Jack's picture looked good. Still, that little mysterious fluid/scarring shows up, but it is nothing we are worried about. Jack weighs 9.5 kilos. Which is about 20 lbs. He is tiny. So, so tiny. They took off his steri-strips that have been over his incision for weeks. We went down again on the diuretic's. His potassium still low. But all in all he is getting better and he is HAPPY about it.

We celebrated by letting him run around in the obnoxious chaos at Gateway. He never got too wet, because he's still very cautious about getting his incision wet. But he loved every minute of it and his smiles made my day.
photos are priceless! made me smile too!
Precious boy...happy boy...relieved boy...handsome boy...loveable boy...super hero boy...we love you Jack! So glad you are unhooked and out of the hospital...drop by...tell mommy to call first so I will be home for sure!
that last comment is from Suzi but it comes up under leandparkermakes3! Very weird...Liz said she would fix this for me the next time she comes over
hooray! That has got to be a good sign. Right??!!
HOOOOOOORAAAAAY!!! Great, great pictures. McKay at just shy of 11 months has Jack beat by almost 4 pounds now--that's crazy. You two need to come by and EAT.
Yippee! We went down to Gateway yesterday too. We must have just missed you! Sammy said you might come swimming with us tonight? Let us know, it would be so fun to see you.
Go, Jack, Go!!!
The pictures of his smile are amazing. The farewell to the O2 tanks makes me hopeful--can't wait for the day we get to send ours off.
What wonderful news! I am thrilled for you guys!
Holy freaking adorable.
Yeah for Jack! He looks so happy. We are so happy for all of you. Good things come to those who wait, and wait and wait. I think you have all done enough waiting! Yeah for all of you!!! Love, Monica
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