Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Today was a simple day, we went to the beach.

We headed over to New Smyrna, and after a couple of tries ended up on a nice stretch of beach, camped out right in front of the water. I learned something new about Florida. They allow driving on the beach. So although it's nice and peaceful lying there, listening to the waves, I was constantly helping Jack "cross the street" that was in between our set up, and the water. It was so bazaar to me, these cars driving all over the sand and parking right next to their little camps.
Anyway. Jack spent most of his time by the water with Josh, digging a hole and building mounds of sand to knock over.

Then to my surprise, Jack let me bury him. For a child that has a HUGE problem with restraint, I was impressed that he allowed me to do this, and held still so I could.

So Jack started as a little cocoon, then progressed into...

A beautiful butterfly.

After the beach, Jack slept all the way back to Orlando. Then due to the everlasting sanitation of our Village, (they brought in a high school dance team, handed them each a bottle of Clorox wipes, and sent them out to scrub the whole Village..) we ate dinner OUT again, and had Five Guys. Yum.

We got home to find a complimentary bottle of Clorox wipes on our table.

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