For the beautiful afternoon we were blessed with yesterday, we took a trip to the Tracy Aviary. Jack mostly enjoyed being able to lead the way and walk around by
himself, but the birds were pretty cool too.
I think our favorite of all was the owl. He was so dang cool, and somewhat resembled Dominic. He hooted many times for us, and Jack, who already spoke owl- has a striking ability to impersonate the owl. (Hoo Hoooooo!)

These guys were deathly afraid of the geese:

The Tracy Aviary also has many beauties other than the fowl:

I pledge allegiance to the Eagle..

These guys were all over the place showing off:

More Foilage:

This one had a body guard that was chasing everything that came near her:

Go hawks:

Ah, the birds of Miami:

Walking the jack-walk:

Pretty trees:

More purdy fleurs:

I didn't drink the water:

This is another fave, called the "Ruddy Duck":

I got a little fed up taking pictures of birds through cages..

These flowers grew on trees:

And like I said, showing off:

So anyone who is looking for a leisurely activity, I highly recommend the Aviary. Sure sometimes it smells bad, and you are often stepping on things you shouldn't, but it was quite pleasant. I would do it again.
Ans seriously- if Dominic were a bird....am I right? (a bird with a dislocated toe..)
Nice pictures!
That looks like a nice leisurely Sunday afternoon activity.
I like the blue beaked duck.
Your pics turned out great! I especially like the pic of the fritilaria (sp?)
I've had an earful about birds today . . . we'll have to join you next time! Although with your great pictures, I feel like I've already been there!
Love the photos!
Nice shots! I love having more ideas of cool stuff to do around the valley. Thanks for the insight and thanks for honoring our sweet trip to St. George...among other things my intro to Coldplay.
did you intro me or did I intro you...I can't remember
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