Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Finale

I drew a diagram of what I discovered yesterday morning. Jack has done this before, so I should know better. But he also has thrown my phone, pressed every button with unnecessary force, and dropped it at least a dozen times- and it somehow managed to work.

However, this was the final straw, and after a few close attempts at being ok- the phone finally gave up and is no longer.

On that note, everything on there is lost, including all your phone numbers. Please, if you will, email me your phone numbers so I can collect those again.

Thank you.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Backyard friends...not the Backyardigans..

This is David and Victoria. Every afternoon they grace us with their presence just below our deck. They don't even come for food really, cause sometimes they just like to sleep there. But I do try to give them a little something every now and then. Jack likes to sit and "quack" at them. And once they are gone he stands out on the deck with his hands palm-up, asking "Where th'ducks go?"

They are our friends.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stupid Cat.

Can't drink out of a bowl like REGULAR animals.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Cruel Beauty

The face of a boy who is about to have his head shaved.

Jack has lusterous locks, he truly does. And they are beautiful, I'm often asked if I color his hair. Which I think is a stupid questions and I'm quite offended by it, but at the same time I think how lucky Jack is to have such pretty hair.
However, it grows like a weed and maintenace is a nightmare. I just went to Keish a to get his hair cut and it's not the funnest thing trying to make him sit on that booster and tie something around his nck that prevents him from using his arms. So Josh and I decided that we would give ourselves a break, not to mention Jack- cause this hair gets mega staticy and sticks to his face and ears. But it wasn't in Jack's best interest.

We wanted to give him a mohawk, just for Easter Sunday...but the kid wouldn't hold still and the buzzer was all over the place. So was hair. So we just cleaned him right off and what was left was a perfectly shaped, buzzed head. But also- what seemed to look like a cancer patient.

After a nice thorough shower, Jack was cleaned off and dressed, and he decided to grab the phone and call Grandma to tell her what we did to him.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


So for those that thought I was being a baby, (DAD) I found these pictures on my work computer. These are the same conditions I was dealing with during that white out, but this is from the Tennis Club's point of view. Good thing I was cozy in my hotel, or I would have had to shovel.